Howdy folks, hope you are enjoying your weekly shares. Again this past week temperatures took a nose dive down to the single digits for 3 nights but no damage done to our storage crops or to the crops in the greenhouses! Now we have a couple of relatively warm and sunny days that might help some of our later greens crops to size up a bit. At least the days are getting longer but it won't be until mid February or so that there will be enough light for crops to grow. We try to get greens planted early enough in the fall so they will size up and then be held in "suspended animation" by the cold temperatures until harvest.
We've had a couple of issues with the swap option in the Harvie system that have caused some problems. When swapping up to an item that is worth more than the first item, an additional minor charge to your card will occur. We're contacting the Harvie programmers to see if they can let you know what that charge will be before you do the swap or if you can cancel the swap once you find out the charge. Hopefully we'll get this resolved quickly.
Once again the weekly reminder to let us know if you are unable to pick up your share on Saturday. Just call 802.254.2476 and let us know if you can come on Sunday or Monday between noon and 1 PM. If those times don't work we'll arrange something else. Most of the veggies in your box will keep well for a few days in our cooler so don't fret about a late pickup.
Hope everyone has a fun and healthy holiday and we'll see you next Saturday, December 28 for the fourth share. Thanks again for you support!