We are just one week away from the fall equinox and I can't believe it, it felt like the summer really flew by this year! And that means we've only got 5 weeks left in our CSA this season. (Note we've got more information coming for you soon soon about the Winter CSA sign ups!)
Fall is here and our first frost just around the corner-it could come as early as October 1st!--and that means a change in what you will see in your veggie boxes.
You may have already been noticing the shift as the cucumber and eggplants have ended, zucchinis have slowed down, and the peppers are starting to come in abundance.
So now is the time to grab those bulk hot peppers for hot sauce, bouquets of flowers, tomatillos, shishitos and bulk basil before the frost comes and they are gone!
This week our first winter squashes will be making an appearance with a few 'Orangetti' spaghetti squash on offer. And next week and through the end of CSA we will begin sending a different winter squash each week, available for everyone in their share, until the end of the CSA.
And speaking of winter squash - we want to invite you to our annual CSA member winter squash harvest on Saturday October 1st!
Come hang out with our farm team for a fun morning on the farm in the pumpkin patch--well winter squash patch!
We'll be harvesting all the rest of our winter squash and loading them up on the trailer for sale at the Harvest Celebration. And we would love to have you all join us for this, one of our favorite activities of the fall!
We will harvest from 9-11:30AM and then have a break before the Harvest Celebration festivities begin. Feel free to bring your own lunch to hang out until the event starts.
Please sign up here if you plan to join us so we know to expect you.
And please stick around afterwards for our annual Harvest Celebration learn more about that here: https://arocha.ca/event/annual-harvest-celebration/