Happy Sunday Farm Share Members!
This week's standard share will include 1 clamshell of STRAWBERRIES grown by us at Agriberry from our Chesterfield fields, AT LAST -1 pint of BLACKBERRIES grown by us at Agriberry from our Hanover fields, 1 half pint of RED RASPBERRIES also grown by us at Agriberry from our Hanover fields, and a quart of DONUT PEACHES from Crown Orchard in Nelson County VA.
Blueberries are available as a swap or an extra. Honey and oat bars are still available as extras as well.
We so appreciate all our members especially as we are training our newest farm team harvesters 14-22 year olds. All Agriberry Farm Share members, and in particular the many new families this season, take about 12 minutes to visit Agriberry online -see what was broadcasted via Virginia Home Grown on June 30th.
Please remember to contact me directly at csa@agriberry.com or 302-668-9352 with any questions, comments, or concerns. I am the most direct line of communication to the farm, and I can make any necessary changes you may need.
Reminder for on farm pickup members: you CAN pickup Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from 10-4.
I hope everyone is staying cool! Richmond summer is a hot and humid one, but some succulent fruits are surely a treat to beat the heat. Have a fantastic week, and I will be seeing you soon!