EXTRAS FOR SALE... Apples, Peaches, Corn, Fresh Baked Breads.
PICK YOUR OWN... Zinnia and Herbs - 1 bunch each.
New from the fields - sweet potatoes and radish. And we continue to harvest nice greens... kale, arugula, lettuce mix. Lots of storage crops - winter squash is best we have grown! Coming soon, carrots and pumpkins. Last week for tomatoes.
Weather and Crops update... In the farming community throughout NJ, farmers are facing a tough growing season. Weather extremes have made this a more difficult one. On our farm, we have less diversity than usual for this time of year; no broccoli, spinach, swiss chard or beets. We will do our best to buy in these crops from local farms, but it may be cost prohibitive as local farms are in short supply. What can a farmer do about the weather? We get innovative and grow smarter. We are taking steps now, this year, and installing high tunnels. Like a greenhouse but with roll up sides for ventilation. High tunnels allow us to grow under cover and keep crops protected from weather issues. Over time, as we can afford it, more crops will be produced under high tunnels; it is worth the investment and we feel our customers will agree.
Still planting out here! 2019 strawberries going in!