We are grateful for some rain after these weeks of hot, dry weather! Water from overhead actually causes a lot of problems for plant growth here in our humid and hot climate (wet foliage leads quickly to fungal disease). However, a good soaking from rain is really helpful from time to time. The plants and soil (and people!) here are refreshed after rain in the past week. (Granted, Sunday's 1.5 inches of rain was a bit more than ideal, but oh well...)
We're transitioning into real summer crops now, as we have bid goodbye to Kale until the fall, and Sweet Peppers are ripening! Okra and Eggplant are gradually increasing in bounty, and Flowers are exploding into bloom.
Keep remembering to pick up your TOMATOES, BREAD, and FLOWERS from the crates beside the green boxes if you have those items in your share.
Enjoy your food (and flowers) this week!
Janet & Dan