Farm Happenings at Broadfork Farm
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Where Have All the Cucumbers Gone?

Posted on July 18th, 2019 by Janet Aardema

Mid July! Heat is really setting in! Some vegetable plants love it, and others despise it. Kale (and Broccoli and Cabbage) are things of the past. We'll see them again in the fall. But even some crops that seem like summer crops are badly damaged by the bugs and fungal disease that thrive in the heat and humidity of our area in July. Cucumbers and Squash are very unhappy on our farm this time of year. Some seasons we can eek out more of them than others...and 2019 seems to be a year where those crops are raising the white flag of surrender. So, we have fewer Cucumbers and Summer Squash this week, but we are doing the best that we can. 

However - Watermelons are ready, as our our super-sweet Snack-Size Peppers! Tomatoes, Eggplants, Peppers, and Flowers are in their glory! Enjoy those and the other options we have for you this week. 


Janet & Dan