Farm Happenings at Broadfork Farm
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Remember Tomatoes are separate from the green boxes!

Posted on June 29th, 2020 by Janet Aardema

*REMEMBER your TOMATOES - in separate paper bags, with names, in white crates. Bright pink sign is on crate saying "LOOK! Collect your Tomatoes!" (This is because refrigerating them compromises texture and flavor, and so we don't refrigerate them with the green boxes.)*

We never know what the weather has in store for us, and so we often describe farming as Professional Gambling, albeit agrarian style. We are so grateful that the weather so far this season has been favorable. Easy weather alone doesn't make a farm, as soil is the foundation that drives everything else (except weather). We have been investing in the improvement of the soil on our farm for the past 11 years and it feels wonderful to see the results as improvement in plant health incrementally each year. But weather is the wild card that can sometimes dominate and make soil health appear irrelevant. We feel as if we are always kneeling humbly before the forces of weather and gambling based on this unknown variable.

So - Spring 2020 is now behind us. The weather was kind. And now we march headlong into summer, prostrating before the weather gods and begging for the weather to continue this gift to us. We hope this image of your farmers provides some humor as we begin July which serves as the start of the hardest two months on the farm each year. The eating is so delicious that it's always worth it!

Farm Share logistics reminders:

- When you arrive at pick up: Find the bin with your name, take the contents, and leave us the empty green bin.

Check your label for any circled items that will be separate from the bag. (Ie: Tomatoes, Bread, Flowers.) Collect those items. 

- You are responsible for collecting all of your items at the location you choose, and during the time frame indicated. 
The software we use does not have vacation weeks built in. Instead, if you can't pick up a particular week you can reschedule that week's share for a future week in this software (Harvie), or you can have a friend or family member pick up for you. Just forward this email to them so they know the details. 

With Phase 3 starting soon in this area and restrictions relaxing, all of our farm staff are all still completely healthy and continuing diligent hand washing, social distancing, mask-wearing, and extremely limiting the activities any of us are involved in off the farm. We continue to monitor the health of all staff. We are strictly following the CDC's recommendations for how to live life safely and with appropriate precautions, plus the governor's orders about our activity, as well as the Va. Dept of Ag's rules about farm business and farmers' market logistics. Any questions at all? Reach out! 

Blessings on your meals, and wash your hands often ~

Janet, Dan, & the whole Broadfork crew (Julie, Caity, Karen, Ray, Diana, Rachel, Mare, Tom, and the kids: Sylvie, Joren, Elletta, and Beckett)
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