Farm Happenings at Broadfork Farm
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Farm Happenings for October 2, 2021

Posted on September 30th, 2021 by Janet Aardema


The summer crops are continuing their retreat while the Cabbages and Beets are sizing up in the fields. We are already bemoaning the lack of salsa in our lives while simultaneously loving roasted Beets and the cool, crisp air in which to do farm work (and recreate). Maya is pictured above harvesting Shishito Peppers last week. As the plants mature the peppers ripen to red but still don't get spicy. We love these little delights but will say goodbye to them when it's time. That's the cycle!

REMINDER: Our Farm Share Member Social is this Saturday, Oct 2 at 3:00. Thanks for all the RSVP's! "Delta Life" will have this year's social be a time of spacing ourselves out while outside sipping beverages in the gorgeous weather that is forecasted. Don't miss this one-a-year chance to visit our fields and ask us all the questions you have! We'll gather (safely, spread out) at 3:00, grab beverages and stay spread out, then start our walking tour of the farm at 3:30. Dan and Janet can talk loudly enough to be heard through a sprawling crowd! 
 ** RSVP through the evite. We look forward to having you here! 

Registration CLOSES SOON for the Oct 9th & 10th Folk School Workshops we are hosting. If you're looking to work with your hands doing something out of the ordinary this fall, details and registration are here as a Facebook event. Our guest instructors are talented and amazing! The beauty of this workshop is that YOU make your item the way YOU want it to be. For example, the instructors start by asking "What kind of bag do you want to use?" and then help you design and craft the bag (or knife or bowl or spoon...) that you envision. Have you seen a leather bag that you'd really like to have? Join us and make it yourself!
OR...make your own woven bowl or basket, felted pouch or mason-jar cozy, chef's knife blade, bow-drill kit, stool, or one of numerous other options. Look at our social media pages to see different project options highlighted. (Visit us on Facebook or Instagram ) REGISTRATION EXTENDED - Register by OCT 1st.

Look: Even children can make and learn to use their own Bow Drill Kit! It is phenomenally empowering for anyone to create fire from sticks!


It may seem unfamiliar to make items out of bone, antler, wool, or jute, but the results are intricate and beautiful! 


Vegetable Storage Reminder: keep Tomatoes and Eggplants OUT of the fridge. All GREENS and ROOTS need to be refrigerated in an AIR TIGHT bag or container to prevent going limp/wilty. If you're short on fridge space, you can also keep Peppers, Onions, Potatoes, Garlic, and Cucumbers (for a brief time) out of the fridge. 

The delicious fermented vegetables listed here are also from Katherine at Gathered Threads. We've been making our own fermented/cultured vegetables for years, and hers are the most delicious we've ever tasted! Give them a try. Your taste buds and your gut flora will thank you. This month's options include:

Peach Salsa
Chipotle Salsa
Mustard with Mustard (this is incredibly delicious! Our whole family loves it!)
Spicy Kimchi
Beet & Onion Pickle
Simply Sauerkraut


And - There are GGS available this week. 

Blessings on your meals ~

Janet, Dan and the whole Broadfork Crew (Julie, Karen, Rachel, Maya, Parker, Ramsi, Anna, Rowen, and the farm kids)
Want to follow along during the week, including Farm Stand updates? Visit us on Facebook or Instagram