We are so glad for this rain but so sad the soggy weather wasn't conducive to our Farm Social plans! We hunkered down and spent the day inside, missing all of you.
We may not love being outside in this weather for very long, but the fall plants are delighted. They love a combination of sunny days, rain, and cool (but not too cold) temps.
Pictured above is Kohlrabi - a mostly-obscure delicious brassica vegetable. The bulbous stem is crisp and moist and super tasty. We prefer it raw. Peel the tough skin and then slice the inner portion however you prefer. The greens can go in stock, or cook them the same was as kale or spinach.
We are harvesting greens, broccoli, turnips, ginger, and the last of the peppers and tomatoes with gusto. We're crossing our fingers for the cauliflower and butternut squash to be available to harvest the way we want them to be!
Enjoy your options this week!
-Janet & Dan