Late last week and over the weekend we received some much needed rain after an extended period of wind and heat. That kind of heat this early in the season can be tough on crops like lettuce and peas though we came out most unscathed. We were relieved when the heat and especially the wind finally broke.
Axel trying to cool off in the shade of our snap peas. Smart boy!
The farm is really kicking into high gear as we have more and more crops getting ready for harvest each week. This is in large part due to the rain and warm temperatures we've had. We now have kohlrabi, daikon radish, beets, kale and swiss chard ready for harvest this week. We are also very close to have tons of peas, carrots and potatoes ready for harvest.
Construction progress is coming along nicely as well. Micah and his crew are almost done putting the steel siding on the building, the cement has been poured, and the interior framing has begun. We're really happy with how quickly our shed is coming together and Micah and his crew are doing a fantastic job.
Our shed is looking SO nice! Can't wait to start using it.
We also will FINALLY have a well drilled this week on our new property. This will really help with the heat of summer and make management of our caterpillar tunnel easier and more efficient. For the past two months we've been using a water tank in the back of our truck parked on a hill to water our tunnel. It's labor intensive and makes hauling things with the truck much more difficult. While this method worked, we will be glad to have our well done so we can set up our irrigation on timers and not have to think as much about it.
This is the well drilling rig. It's HUGE! Excited to see it in action.
Our irrigation setup. It works but it's not great.