The garden is lush with many crops filling out, but several not quite ready for prime time. Our first crop of bush beans isn't quite there, but the Basil has filled out enough to offer some to you. We will dig the first carrots of the season, sweet but on the petite side. Cabbage will arrive next week, we think, but the cucumbers are still waiting for a blast of summer heat. The tomatoes are above head high in the greenhouses, but with only a bit of color showing; a little heat is again the missing element. A mild and pleasant early season, but not one to break the record books for earliness. So, we have alot of greens to offer, and the promise of lovely salads. Summer harvests are inching towards us...
This week's photo is of our lead tractor operator, Ashley, focusing intently as she steadies a load of compost over our compost top dresser. This new tool allows us to apply a top coat of compost in between crops of vegetables, providing our sandy and drought prone soils with the water absorbing and nutrient holding capacity that organic matter is uniquely structured to provide.