We are relieved to report that the garden escaped the hard frost that was predicted for this weekend. It turned cold, but not as severely so as we had feared might hit us. So for another week, we have tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant to offer, as well as other semi tender crops such as Celery and Kohlrabi (cucumbers and basil are quite done for the year). We devoted many hours last week to protecting as many frost sensitive crops as we could with fabric covers, which might have made a difference had deeper cold found us. The next few weeks are predicted to be chilly but mild, giving us hope that late plantings of broccoli, cauliflower, bok choi, and other crops will have time enough to ripen.
Items on this week's Extras List: Honey Crisp Apples (Cloud Mt. Farm Center, Everson), Yellow and Red Potatoes (First Cut Farms, Mt. Vernon), Shiitake Mushrooms (Cascadia Mushrooms, Bellingham), and Bulk Table Carrots (Hopewell Farms, Everson).
This Week's Photo: Freshly harvested Kohlrabi bulbs, plucked from their beds before a (predicted) deep frost could injure them (thankfully, milder cold than expected spared them damage).