We are basking in some lovely fall weather these past days, brisk in the morning and bright throughout the day, with accents of crimson, orange, and yellow from the many deciduous trees that edge our fields. We've started the fall cleanup work, pulling out spent rows of tomatoes and peppers, rolling up plastic mulch and irrigation lines, and stacking on pallets the many plastic sowing trays and pots we've used this season to raise our crops. Ashley and Arden, our tractor driving gals, have prepped 1000' bed feet of the garden for next year's garlic crop, which we hope to start sowing this week. We also plan to spread a cover crop of Rye and Vetch on several sections, which will slowly germinate during our cool November days, creating a whispy light green cover over our winter soils. In late February, this fall sown crop will resume growth, and by late May will have expanded to a 3' tall mat of lush, green vegetation. Tilled down and given another month to rot and melt into the soil, this fresh foliage will be a perfect food for our fall crops ~ that is, our 2021 fall crops!
Thanks to all of you who are returning your boxes, consistently or episodically, to your pick up sites for us to reuse for future shares. This saves us considerable bother and expense, and we greatly appreciate your efforts. Our pickup site hosts would also want me to add: Thank You for folding your boxes flat and stacking them neatly at your pickup site!
Crops on this week's "Extras" list:
** Initial Apple from Cloud Mt. Farm Center. A Gala variation with a crisp, sweet and aromatic taste.
** Yellow, Red, and Russet Potatoes from First Cut Farms in Mt. Vernon.
** Shiitake Mushrooms from Cascadian Farm in Bellingham.
** Bulk Carrots from Hopewell Farm in Everson
** And several items grown by us at Cedarville Farm