PLEASE NOTE: This week's share is being delivered on TUESDAY, November 24th to your regular pickup site.
(not Wednesday, our regular delivery day). Your share will be left at your pick up station through Wednesday. We ask that you not pick up on Thursday in respect for the privacy of your pick up site hosts. If this delivery schedule is unworkable for you, please contact us and we'll make alternative arrangements.
For your calendar: Our remaining two harvests, 12/2 and 12/9 are both on Wednesday. Consult your share delivery schedule in your Harvie member page to confirm which days you are receiving a box.
Thank You for your membership in the farm this season. We have always felt a deep appreciation and gratitude for the connection we have to our farm's many patrons, a bond of service and support that has only deepened during the past months of this perplexing and fraught time. The future, always uncertain and now accelerating toward us, is made less threatening in the knowledge that, at least in our local community, kindness, generosity, and commitment to communal good health live strongly in many hearts. We hope that these values endure, and pledge to continue to play our small part in supporting them as local growers of healthy food.
Kim and I and our good crew wish you a loving and rejuvenating holiday, however socially distanced it might be.
This week's extras list includes: Cedarville Bunching Carrots, Shallots, Kohlrabi, and Collard Greens; Apples from Cloud Mt Farm Center, Shiitake Mushrooms from Cascadia Farm, and Eggs from Misty Meadows Farm
This Week's Photo: Fall cabbage harvest against the backdrop of gray autumn skies and the muted yellows and browns of the woods edging our fields.