With the end of the season clearly in sight, we at the farm all seem to have a touch of melancholy. Not only has the weather been often gray and dim, but we can't help lamenting the end of another growing season. As all consuming and daunting as feeding 400+ families each week often felt, we enjoyed the task and the meaning and rhythm it gave to our days. Of course, we are looking forward to some time off and the quiet and introspection the winter season offers ~ every marathon has its finish line, after all. Perhaps Ashley captured our state of mind best last week as we were cleaning out debris from the tomato houses: "putting these houses to bed for the winter is making me excited for spring!" If you ask Kim, she might tell you farming is as much a disease or obsession as it is a profession, and I'm hard pressed to disagree much, though the reason for this I'm less sure of. All I know is that 34 years into this pursuit, I'm still delighted to pull on my boots each day and trudge outdoors to see what needs doing.
This Week's Photo: Our 2020 CSA harvest and packing crew. Left to Right: Arden Riseborough, Georgi Huddle (in her 25th, or so, season as the farm's senior CSA packing pro), the indomitable Matt Citron (M.C.) also in his 3rd decade as lead washer and all around farm cheerleader, Debbie Riseborough, Lauren Rossiter and Ashley Rowe. Our primary field hands for the season, Debbie, Arden, Lauren, and Ashley, along with Kelli Shilhanek, Angela Moran, and Ellie Pena really made the dirt fly & the crops grow ~ they were a fantastic bunch to work with. Cedarville has a long history of outstanding crews comprised of diligent, energetic, and flat out fun people and this 2020 crew stands with the best of them. Debbie, Lauren, Ashley, and Arden are all returning for the 2021 season, so our prospects of a bountiful and delicious harvest next year are quite good indeed.
Thanks to the good farmers at Cascadia Mushroom Farm, Hopewell Farm, Cabrera Farm, Spring Time Farm, Cloud Mt. Farm Center, Boldly Grown Farm, Crow's Farm, Ralph's, and Misty Meadows Eggs for helping us to round out our crop list for this week.
And many thanks to you, our generous and esteemed farm members!
~ Mike, Kim, and Crew
P.S. Our final harvest of the season arrives next Wednesday, December 9th. If you are scheduled for a box, you will receive an initial crop list from us by Sunday morning. If you your unsure of your delivery schedule, you can confirm it on your Harvie member page, or contact us. ~ M & K