We began the 2020 farm season very unceremoniously on February 3rd when Deb and Ashley made our first sowings of the season: lettuce, Bok Choi, Spinach, Broccoli, Kale, and several other crops. It was a grayish day and damp, as befits late winter, and yet we were all excited in our collective knowledge that we had once again lit the fuse for the green explosion. Now life's pace would quicken, and before long we'd be knee deep in waves of green leaf, stalks, and vines, our days full and fast paced for many weeks to come.
And those many weeks ~ 30 harvests ~ will conclude this Wednesday, when for the last time in 2020 we will pack the harvest into boxes and deliver it to you, our members. It was a weird, challenging, and, against all reason, an oftentimes rewarding year. Covid and a fractured politics cast a steady pall over daily life, yet the farm was as vibrant and compelling as ever, maybe more so for the realization that despite the chaos, we were still fulfilling our mission of providing fresh, healthy food to our community.
A few end of the season details:
Boxes: Ragged they might be, we'd appreciate you returning any boxes still in your possession to your pick up site over the next few weeks. We plan an collecting them from the pickup sites sometime between December 16th and the 24th.
Automatic Renewal: Harvie comes with an automatic renewal option, though in truth it only swings into motion once we, your farmers, initiate the new signup season. Automatic in this instance really only means that you will receive a series of emails from Harvie announcing that the new season is open for signup and that unless you tell us differently, Harvie will process your signup for the same shares you had in 2020. The early sign up emails will give you the option to opt out of automatic renewal if you wish. You can also go into your Harvie member page at any time and turn off the automatic renewal function. We expect to launch the signup period for 2021 sometime around mid-January.
Account Balances: Harvie's accounting functions pretty much require members to pay in advance of receiving their shares. Still, it is possible that some members will end the season with a credit in their account, or, less likely, may still owe us for their shares or extra products they purchased. If you have a credit in your account after we finish the season, we will simply roll it over to 2021 when you can apply it toward new share purchases, bulk purchases, or a refund. If you still owe the farm for a portion of your share, we will soon be in touch with you to arrange payment.
This Week's Photo: Old farmer Mike with his young bride and true companion, Kimberly. From the both of us to all of you: Thank You for your membership in the farm and support of our work. We are humbled by your support and grateful for this opportunity to feed our community. And the farmer wishes to add this: his deep gratitude to Kim for her diligent good work at keeping the books true and the office orderly, and providing her farmer husband with a hearty breakfast each day, and a loving push out the door and into the swirling green he professes to be the director of.
Thank you ALL for your membership this season, your support, patience, and generosity. We love farming for our community and are grateful by the bushelful that you have been members of our farm this year.
We wish for you a loving, serene, and safe holiday season and winter.
Your friends and farmers,
Mike, Kim, and Crew
Cedarville Farm