Busy at the farm, driven by long days and rapid growth of crops and weeds. Received a new pump in time to irrigate by week's end only to have our main line hydrant blow up. Easy enough to repair: dig a massive hole, cut out the busted portion and glue in the new, wait 12 hours for the glue to set, and then pray you didn't miss a crack in the pipe once you start if up again.
This week's photo: Kim tends her perennial flower bed while in the background a cover crop of mustards explode luminously into bloom.
Thank you for your support.
Mike, Kim, and Crew
Extra Items Available This Week:
~ Eggs, Misty Meadows Farm, Everson
~ Butter, Golden Glen Creamery (no growth hormones or antibiotics used)
~ Goat Cheese (Chevre), Lost Peacock Creamery, Olympia
~ Medium Sharp Cheddar, Golden Glen Creamery
~ Fresh Pasta Fusili, Bellingham Past Co.
~ Shiitake Mushrooms, Cascadia Mushroom Farm, Bellingham
~ Garlic Scapes & Bok Choi from our farm