Farm Happenings at Cedarville Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 23, 2021

Posted on June 20th, 2021 by Mike Finger

Busy at the farm, driven by long days and rapid growth of crops and weeds.  Received a new pump in time to irrigate by week's end only to have our main line hydrant blow up. Easy enough to repair: dig a massive hole, cut out the busted portion and glue in the new, wait 12 hours for the glue to set, and then pray you didn't miss a crack in the pipe once you start if up again.

This week's photo: Kim tends her perennial flower bed while in the background a cover crop of mustards explode luminously into bloom.

Thank you for your support.

Mike, Kim, and Crew

Extra Items Available This Week:

~ Eggs, Misty Meadows Farm, Everson

~ Butter, Golden Glen Creamery (no growth hormones or antibiotics used)

~ Goat  Cheese (Chevre), Lost Peacock Creamery, Olympia

~ Medium Sharp  Cheddar, Golden  Glen Creamery

~ Fresh Pasta Fusili, Bellingham Past Co.

~ Shiitake Mushrooms, Cascadia Mushroom Farm, Bellingham

~ Garlic Scapes & Bok Choi from our farm