We have a great selection of crops for you this week, if only we can avoid spontaneous combustion while picking them for you! In our 35+ years of farming we have experience several heat waves, but usually they were of short duration with highs only just touching 100 degrees. Friday we were in the high 90's and yesterday 100 degrees ~ in the shade; I can only assume it was yet hotter in the garden. Today's high is forecast to reach 104, followed by a heretofore uncomprehensible 108 degrees on Monday. Tuesday we begin a retreat to more typical summer temps.
Our stout and dedicated crew doesn't want a little heat to deter them from harvest, so they'll be starting tomorrow at 6 a.m., quitting when things get really hot, and then returning for an evening session of washing and processing some (we'll also harvest and process on Tuesday as well) of the items you receive in your shares on Wednesday.
We hope all of you are holding up under this heat and are able to keep reasonably cool. We managed a dip in Lake Whatcom last night and was that ever delicious... We highly recommend it, or at least a cold shower...
Thank you for your membership and support during this challenging episode.
Mike, Kim, and Crew
Cedarville Farm
This week's photo: Sarah harvesting green onions on a bright and sunny summer day a few years ago.
Extra Items (for swaps and additional purchase) for this week:
* Basil
* Butter (Golden Glen Creamery)
* Medium Sharp Cheddar Cheese (Golden Glen Creamery)
* Eggs (Misty Meadows Farm)
* Shiitake Mushrooms (Cascadia Mushroom Farm)
* Goat Cheese (Chevre ~ Lost Peacock Creamery)
* Fresh Pasta ~ Spinach Fettuccini (Bellingham Pasta Co.)