Greetings from the farm. We are enjoying these long summer days and the delicious harvests they are supporting. Weeds have ignited all over the farm, but between our burly cultivating tractors and our even burlier cultivating crew we are keeping them humbled, at least enough to snatch many bushels, bunches, and crates of gorgeous produce from the beds each day. We are really pushing hard to prep fresh beds for the mid and late summer plantings that will provide the harvests to fill your boxes in the last 3 months of the harvest, October to December.
Share Delivery & Pickup Day: All farm shares are delivered Wednesday and are available for pickup through Thursday evening or later depending on your pickup location. We encourage you to claim your share as early as possible on Wednesday to insure the best condition of the products in your box. But, if you do forget or simply can't pick up on Wednesday, your share will still be available for pickup through Thursday.
Storage Tips:
Basil, Cucumbers, and Peppers: These items keep best w/ some humidity and at room temperature or slightly cooler. A zip lock bag or plastic container w/ sealing lid work well with these crops. Do not put Basil or Cucumbers in the refrigerator ~ they are damaged by the cold temperatures.
Lettuce and other Leafy Greens: These like high humidity at cool temperatures. Best kept in a sealed plastic bag or container in your refrigerator. Do not leave at room temperature for long and do not store in the open in your refrigerator ~ moisture will be pulled from the greens, causing them to wilt.
Today's Photo: A micro sprinkler atop the pole bean trellis, sending out pearls of water on a bright Sunday morning. Watering the garden is always satisfying and profound to the farmer, a fundamental act of cultivation and civilization.
Extras Available this week for swaps and purchase:
* Blueberries (Bow Hill Blueberries, Bow)
* Goat Cheese (Lost Peacock Creamery, Oympia). We'll be adding these to the boxes of those of you whose orders of two weeks ago were cancelled.
* Parmesan Cheese (Golden Glen Creamery, Everson). As this cheese has aged in our cooler it has taken on a more pungent aroma and flavor befitting a good parm.
* Eggs (Misty Meadows Farm, Everson)
* Shiitake Mushrooms (Cascadia Mushroom Farm, BH)
* Fresh Pasta: Fusilli (Bellingham Pasta Co.)
* From Our Farm: Arugula, Basil, Eggplant, Artichokes, and other crops.