Hi, Friends:
We awoke this morning to the eerie golden light of smoke infused skies. A scratchy throat confirms that the conflagrations burning to the east and north of us are bleeding smoke our way. We don't expect this to impact either our harvest work or the quality of the vegetables you will receive. Only that we feel an invisible weight has been layered onto our work, reminding us of the fraught condition of the world at this time.
The garden grows well and is producing heavily. Irrigation is never far from our thoughts, as our sandy soils do not hold moisture for long when the sun shines long and hot as it has for many weeks now (Saturday's cooler and cloudy aspect was a welcome reprieve, though, and a prediction of rain by week's end tantalizing indeed).
We are devoting 80% of our time to harvest currently and scrambling to keep up with the weeds and our planting schedule. Our crew of Debbie, Arden, Lauren, Ashley, Valerie, and Matt are showing up each day with smiles and no small quantity of grit and determination to bring in the harvest and maintain the crops in good condition. We are so grateful for their good minds, backs, and hearts.
Thanks to all of you for your support and membership.
~ Mike & Kim
Extra Items Available This Week:
** Goat Cheese (Chevre ~ Lost Peacock Creamery)
** Parmesan Cheese (Golden Glen Creamery)
** Shiitake Mushrooms (Cascadian Mushroom Farm)
** Eggs (Misty Meadows Farm)
** Pastured Roasting Chicken (Osprey Hill Farm)
** From Cedarville: Eggplant & many other crops