Hi, Friends:
You can now customize this week's share until 11 p.m. THIS evening (Thursday). New items this week include Green Onions, Kohlrabi, Broccoli Raab, and Swiss Chard.
Thanks to all of you who are returning your share boxes to your pick up sites (folded gently, without tears, of course). It also works quite well to bring a bag or basket to unload your share into while you are at your pick up site, and leave the box (gently folded flat, thank you) behind for us to pick up the following week.
This week's photo: The peas are lush and tall and full of blossoms. We have snitched a few small pods, and with another week to ripen we should have a good first harvest for you next week (the 22nd).
Thank You for your membership and support of local farms.
Mike, Kim, and Crew
Cedarville Farm