Farm Happenings at Cedarville Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 22, 2022

Posted on June 17th, 2022 by Mike Finger

Dear Friends: We are picking Sugar Snap Peas and Snow Peas for this week's harvest list.  It's always an exciting milestone in the season when we pick peas. Their abundant and lush growth and ample quantity of white blossoms seems to promise a good harvest.  We hope so anyway. Elsewhere in the garden, most of the crops are healthy but growing rather slowly.  We are bracing ourselves for an explosion of growth and ripening once more normal summer temperatures arrive.

You have from now until 11 p.m. tomorrow night (Sunday) to customize your share if you so wish.

Thank You for your membership. Please let us know if you have any problems navigating the Harvie system or simply have questions about your farm share.

This week's photo: When it's not raining and the soil isn't too heavy with moisture, we are doing our best to control the emergence of spring weeds.  Here, Arden guides our basket weeder down a bed of Basil seedlings.


Mike, Kim, and Crew

Cedarville Farm