Bumper crop of winter squash this year, We have been consumed this week with getting it up and into the greenhouse for curing. Our conservative estimate is 13000 lbs so far. We are mostly done but have a few rows of buttercup varieties to gather.
This time of year we like to connect with local food pantries and share our second quality produce. Last year we donated 10,000lbs of veg to our friends at Midcoast Hunger Prevention. Most of this was sorted out of produce as we are washing and packing. We also work with a great organization called Merrymeeting Gleaners that glean second quality crop out of our fields after we are done with our harvest. This team of dedicated volunteers goes to farms all over the midcoast region and gathers thousands of pounds of produce for distribution to food pantries all over Maine. The gleaning team will be at the farm Monday morning to work through all the squash rows we have already finished. It's a great way for us to share what we do with the people of Maine without the added expense of paying our crew to harvest and sort. Here's a link to the gleaners webpage if you would like to know more.