Farm Happenings at D&V Organics
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2024 CSA Week 6

Posted on June 15th, 2024 by Derek Zember

D&V Organics CSA

Week 6

All the various crops on the farm are making great progress.  This week's warm weather is sure to speed up our melons, which are looking like it will be a tremendous crop, so long as the weather cooperates for us.  In this week's picture, our tuscan cantaloupes look quite cute at this stage and in another two to three weeks, the sugars will develop and concentrate, making them one of our early favorites.  This week we've been working through our Spring crops, which will eventually peter out as the hotter days become a more regular occurrence.  The potatoes are coming along nicely this year and we'll have some freshly dug new red potatoes to include in shares this week.  We are looking forward to picking tomatoes in large quantities to have in shares within the next couple weeks.  Our greenhouse is starting to fill up with seedling trays as we shift some focus to getting a head start on longer maturing Fall crops.  It might seem weird to be thinking of Fall when Summer is barely here, but our considerations on the farm are always farther into the future.  Either way, we are excited to be moving through the weeks and harvesting all the goodness to share with everyone.


Derek and Crew