Farm Happenings at D&V Organics
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Farm Happenings at D&V Organics

2024 CSA Week 12

Posted on July 27th, 2024
D&V Organics CSA Week 12 Wow, it's kinda hard to believe, but we're halfway through this year's main season CSA! It's not entirely hard to believe for us here at the farm, because a few of us have been at it since the very beginning of the year, getting greenhouses ready and starting our seedli1 read more »

2024 CSA Week 11

Posted on July 20th, 2024
D&V Organics CSA Week 11 We are feeling optimistic now that the heatwave broke this past week!  The weather has been tough on everyone here at the farm working in the sun all day long.  Despite the heat, we've had our eyes set on Fall and moving forward with our field preparations and1 read more »

2024 CSA Week 10

Posted on July 13th, 2024
D&V Organics CSA Week 10 We've had a busy week this past week fully switching over to our summer mode, entailing multi-day picking of zucchini, peppers, basil, melons and tomatoes.  In addition to being on a picking schedule for those crops, our yearly bulk onion harvest began. Each year,1 read more »

2024 CSA Week 9

Posted on July 6th, 2024
D&V Organics CSA Week 9 We are happy to announce that our melon season has finally begun.  If this hot weather is good for one thing, it's growing great melons on the farm.  This past week we picked a bunch of watermelon and cantaloupe from our first planting.  One of our favorit1 read more »