Hi Farm Share Members, we've got more fall veggies heading your way this week in shares!

This weeks Fruit share features Manitoba Apples from Teltane Farm and a super sweet pint of Husk Cherries from Dig Deep Farm. Simply peal back the papery skin on the outside and enjoy the golden treasure inside! The Manitoba Apples were bred in western Canada for sheer hardiness and early eating quality. Creamy white sub acid sweet flesh for fresh and short term use. Very disease resistant. Teltane Farm’s diverse orchard has an amazing variety of apples selected for flavor, disease resistance, hardiness, productivity and texture. Their selection of varieties and dedicated orchard care allows them to grow beautiful fruit without the use of synthetic pesticides and fungicides. The extra care they put into their orchard does come at an extra cost in labor and inputs which is why these specialty apples will appear in less volume in your share boxes than last weeks apples. At Daybreak we are dedicated to promoting these local sustainable farming practices while making sure our customers receive the quality and value in their share. We hope you enjoy these specialty apples which will grace your share boxes every other week this season.

Update from Riverwind Farm
Greetings from Riverwind Farm, LLC. in Vassalboro, even though the summer season is behind us now and we enter into fall we continue to work hard on getting our second, and in some fields third crop of hay done so that all of our farm animals will have the best feed all winter long. Currently on our farm all of the spring calves are growing, and our baby piglets born at the Windsor Fair are almost ready to be weaned. We strive to provide the best grass fed beef and pork for our customers and have made this our priority here at our little farm located in beautiful Vassalboro, Me.