We're almost through January! Have you been preparing complete meals from your Farm Box contents? Allison from Lakin's Gorges Cheese shared her creation from her box last week - Stuffed Squash - "We baked it with ground pork, my Opus 42, onions, mushrooms and cream. So very tasty!" If you'd like to share a photo of your creation and ingredients send it to farmers@daybreakgrowersalliance.com we'd love to share them with our members. Create your menu while you customize your box. Happy Cooking!
Update from 44 North Coffee
44 North Coffee has moved into a new 2000 sq. ft. production roastery space. This is more operational space than we have ever worked in before. Even with 2020 being our biggest year yet of over 53,000 lbs. of coffee roasted, bagged, packed and shipped from our old 300 sq. ft. dual micro cafe/roastery space, we are looking forward to growth in many faucets from our new roastery.