The sun is shining bright here at the farm again today. We could use rain, but are grateful for the 4 inches we received in the last two weeks. Feel like I am sending this email out a bit late, please bear with us. We are very short handed, which seems like it shouldn't be a thing with so many people unemployed.
The photo today shows what Gail has been up to the last 3 days. Eight straight hours of tractor time on Saturday accomplished weeding all 10 plots of veggies near the greenhouses. This machine is called a rotovator. It weeds like a tiller inbetween the rows. Precision driving is needed so you don't wipe out the plants that need to be kept. As you can see in the photo, somehow the design of each tiller head allows for a plant that is large to be squished inbetween the tillers and comes out alive ( in most cases). A lot of water, a big hat, ear plugs, ( the tiller is very noisy ) sunscreen and after a few hours a long sleeve shirt are additional requirements for this task. The next step for a clean field, less competition for nutrients and ease of harvesting is weeding between the plants. When the plants are small we use a weeder behind the tractor. At the stage we are in now it means we physically get out and pull the weeds next to the plants. It isn't really hard work, just takes time and people. So, if you are looking for a worthy project for you and the kids for a day in the sun where no one is closer to you than 1/4 mile, come pull weeds. We could really use the help.
Isn't the spring broccoli wonderful. Kind of a cross between regular broccoli and broccolini. if you receive some this week, remember two things. We are organic which means no sprays, therefore, there may be some green crawling things coming to dinner as well. Soak your broccoli and cauliflowers in salt water and do some inspecting. Don't be afraid they are far less harmful than the the sprays you can't see. Next, if you cook it, steam very lightly or you will over cook. So tender and delicious.
We are offering several different veggies this week. We will try to provide the ones that you ask for. Not sure with this new Harvie system if we will have enough for everyone. The "blond" and purple sugar snap peas are new to us. Very interesting. We have traditional green ones too. At any rate we will do our best.