Greetings to all our wonderful supportive Farm Share members.
I hope you are outside enjoying the summer weather to the fullest. it would give us joy to know you are appreciating it, because it helps balance the idea that we would love to be stuck inside while a nice gentle rain was gracing our fields. At least we have greens to eat. The lack of rain deepens our anxiety each day. We have had a 1.5 inches of rain in the last 2 months. Our normal would be 6-8 inches. The green beans and peas still look healthy, but, they are not growing beyond about 8 inches tall. The first crop of sweet corn is about to get knee high...about 2 weeks behind.
The weeds loved our effort to water the peppers, tomatoes and tomatillos, therefore, we all headed out to do some weeding. We are unable to weed tomatoes with the tractor because of spacing and height of the cages. Starting on the left we have Kaylen, Daryl (the six wheeler that carried all the hoes and water), Jade, Myda (way in the background with the tiller), Michelle and Gail's strirrup hoe. This week we also transplanted Romaine lettuce and 2nd crop of broccoli, broccolini and kohlrabi in hopes we get rain soon enough for their survival.
On our list this week we added a unique green mixture. We are calling it Creamed Greens. Inspired by chef/forager Alan Bergo. It will contain lambsquarters, mustards and rainbow chard. We will enclose a recipe from Alan's new cookbook, "The Forager Chef's Book of FLORA". We have known and worked with Alan for many years, as well as Chef Alex Robert that he mentions in this recipe.
Stop by "your farm" for a visit. The greenhouses are full of plant treasures. You are always welcome to spend a day or stop for an overnight campout.
A house keeping note. Please be sure to pick up you box of fresh produce and eggs in a timely fashion. They should not sit out for more than 2 hours after they are delivered.