Happy day to you, your family and friends.
The photo today is a monarch caterpillar defoliating a milkweed plant. We watched about 150 caterpillars consume the milkweed plants that grow around the greenhouses. Left us all in anticipation of locating the many chrysalis' that should be hanging out getting ready to turn into more Monarchs.
The week ahead looks filled with picking lots of peas, beans and broccoli. Oh yes, the peppers are even ready to give up a few fruits as well. Broccoli leaf is available for we decided the broccoli and broccolini plants are also healthy enough to harvest some of their leaves.
The additional rain perked things up a bit, although, we tilled under about 5 acres of potatoes, onions, celeriac and peppers that became lost in the weeds. Between the drought and labor shortages we couldn't allow for the weeds to go to seed and make it even more difficult for the future.
Sorry this is sent out so late, but, an elderly neighbor needed some tending to. Two of us neighbors keep a sharp eye on him. One of those cases where happiness is at home even though a different situation would be safer.
The weather this summer has been great for outdoor sports. It won't last forever, so, set aside some time to enjoy. As always, the invitation to come to the farm is always open.