Farm Happenings at DragSmith Farms
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Farm Share Week 2 of 6

Posted on November 14th, 2021 by Gail and Maurice Smith

We are waking to a fresh coating of snow. From my 3rd floor old farmhouse office window i can see that each tree limb is outlined with a ribbon of white.  The neighbors kitty (Static) has left his 5 toed paw prints up the walk onto the front deck and a bunny has hopped across the yard.  The river is reflecting the bank of white mixed with masses of grasses and leaves protruding from the snow as the sun peaks out from the  greyness above.

Jade, Michelle and Gail are in the cooler stacking pallets of turnips and watermelon radish.  It is quite the job of organization to get all the fall storage crops in.  The Red Shed maintains a 50-60 degree environment therefore we are able to store the onions, sweet potatoes and squashes in it. 

Take a look at the "Add Ons or Extras" this week.  We added organic turkey and chicken from the Larry Schultz farm.  Thought you might enjoy these for the upcoming holiday meal.  Planning ahead is the name of the game now days.  Sure are feeling the shortages in the supply chain. 

We are going to start wreath making this week and planning a wreath making class or two.  Watch for emails and updates for times and dates.  Classes will limit number to participate.  Fun to share a skill that can last all winter.

As always have a great week and come to visit our farm store.  New items arriving weekly.