Hello from DragSmith Farms. It is a cloudy rather dreary start of a day. We did receive about 1/2 inch rain in a 5 minute time period yesterday. It was needed. While the "Produce Squad " was out weeding the salad greens on Friday we noted that the soil was actually very dry. All the dew has made us believe it is damp. Wet shoes in the mornings while harvesting have created a false sense of moisture in the ground.
Time to think about purchasing and transplanting perennial pollinators. We have a number of them available for sale here at the farm. Among the most popular are Common milkweed, Maxmillian's Sunflower, Sneezeweed, Joe Pye weed, Smooth Blue Aster, Purple Coneflower and Little Bluestem grass. Garderners everywhere are learning about the benefits of native plants. Since so much of our land is either plowed under or paved large or small efforts to sustain a living environment for our pollinators will provide the much needed habitat. Fall is the best time to establish your pollinator plants. The heat of the summer is gone. The plants establish a root system before freezing temperatures set into the ground.
As always have a great week and consider a trip to the farm, you are always welcome.