Greeting to everyone this beautiful summer day. At last, a perfect summer day. Nice temperature and low humidity. Let us hope our computer system will cooperate today to get a note of current information out. Our biggest happening is that we had a down pour with 1 1/2 inches of rain involved. Came down in sheets. Too fast, too late but we are grateful for what we got. Produced an amazing sunset as you can see by the photo. The heat was difficult to work in. Everyone watched out for each other. Tried to get inside or the shade at least during the hottest parts of the day.
This week we were able to add on some more veggies. Some are ours and some are our neighbors. All organic and delicious. All the produce is prepared to sell. It should be washed before eating. Field dirt is generally rinsed off. You should do the fine tuning when preparing. Please remember to return your box to the drop site if possible.
If anyone has time to come to the farm to help out it would be appreciated. Lost 2 of the 3 new workers in the last 2 weeks. Who knew, the simple life of a farmer could be so difficult! To add insult to injury Maurice was throwing a 50-pound box of potatoes in the van and threw his hip out of the socket. Ouchee! Still suffering but getting some relief. Getting old is a heck of a thing.
Enjoy the week before summer escapes and the kids are back in school. As Always you are welcome to come for a visit. In a couple of weeks, it will be time to pick more peas and beans of rainbow colors and sizes. Take care.