What a beautiful summer Sunday. Course, here at DragSmith Farms we would think it would be more beautiful if we had a nice gentle summer rain all day. That would ruin all the fun fairs and festivals though. Although water puddle explorations do sound kind of fun right now. Gail was honored with the "cool Auntie" award once for promoting a fun, wet, splashing time in water puddles. He had boots! The dancing blue eyes, pink cheeks and wet curls were all worth it. He had a change of clothes!
Greetings to all this fine day. We successfully navigated through the humid heat. Not much got done all week except the essentials. Still dryer than dry. This past week and coming week was all about cutting greens. We prepare a special blend of Mississippi greens for Union Hmong Kitchen. They have a food booth at the Minnesota State Fair. Our greens went to the fair with them. Half of a greenhouse is dedicated to their mix for the fair. Lots of cutting. In the photo of the week, is Connor. He is one of our 12-year-old grandsons. Comes to work with his mother. He has his eye on his new savings account, some game he really really needs that Mom won't buy and best of all learning stuff his classmates won't know. This week Connor learned how to cut micro greens and use a scale. Math is not his strong point, but now he can see an application.
As you are getting ready to pick up your farm share box this week, please remember to return any you have laying around. We are running very short of boxes. That means many have not come back to us. Help recycle and keep the cost of the farm share program down. We budget for 3 boxes per member. Thanks for your help.
As always have a great week and you are welcome to visit any time.