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Farm Happenings at Eatwell Farm
Delivery Reminder and Strawberries
First of all I want to remind everyone that home delivery or pick up at Fatted Calf is on Saturday, April 11th. The deadline to make any changes will be Thursday at 8pm.
We had hoped to be able to put some strawberries in the box this week but unfortunately we got a lot of rain this weekend and the1 read more »
Reminder: Delivery on Saturday
Just a reminder that the boxes will be delivered on Saturday and the deadline to make any changes will be Thursday at 8pm.
I am thrilled to have our first Sugar Snap Peas of the year. We sowed more seeds this year, and I think it has paid off. Did you know the Sugar Snap Pea we eat today was develo1 read more »
Farm Updates and Possible Delivery Date changes
Hope everyone is doing well, it has been a very busy week on the farm. In the past week we have seen so many people turn towards CSA, ours and other farms around us, that we have paused new subscriptions. As well as all the new members we are currently are in what we farmers call a 'shoulder1 read more »
COVID-19 and Small Businesses
It’s pretty hard to start this without bringing up our current situation with this new virus. I think now is exactly when we all need to be eating fresh, organic veg and fruits. I am guessing many of you are trying to avoid crowded super markets, and it seems like people are finding a new int1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 10, 2020
It’s been another warm week here on the farm. We got a big shipment of transplants in today, which the crew jumped right on yesterday and are planting more tomorrow. We are hoping we finally get some rain tomorrow. We have two Strawberry Days on the farm scheduled for May 3rd and May 10th (Mo1 read more »
Romanesco, Chicken Stock, Strawberry Days, #CSADay
Happy Friday!
The weather on the farm has been kind of crazy, just about 80 degrees in February. Now that we are finishing up one of the driest Februaries in history, compared to last year’s amazingly wet one, I just don’t know what to think anymore. It is extremely difficult to plan wi1 read more »
Seville Oranges and Beautiful Weather
Hey all!
Happy February, time does fly!
We have had a warmer spell the last week or two with the sun being out all the time, it has been amazing. This has allowed us to get the tractor in the field and be able to plant. We have loads of plants coming starting next week, from broccoli and onion to k1 read more »
Summer X Fall Switcheroo - October 8, 2019
We're switching over seasons from Summer to Fall
Loads of winter squash is coming up, and sweet potatoes are here and turnips and radishes are all coming back.
It's a good time of year to be in especially for lovers of soups, pies, and curries!We're trying to improve our crop line-up1 read more »
Getting Married Saturday! October 1, 2019W
Not much farm news this week - Lorraine has assembled a team of some of our dearest friends to cook farm fresh food for mine and my fiance's wedding, which is Saturday 9/28. It's going to be amazing.
Thank you all for being a part of our farm (and therefore our lives).Much more re: farm stuf1 read more »