Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 11-17, 2021

Posted on July 11th, 2021 by Marnie Chown

It's zucchini season!!! 

The zucchinis and summer squashes that we planted between the rows of raspberries exploded in the past couple of days!! I think Ras harvested close to 200 lbs on Friday morning!! Woohoo!

The beefsteak tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and basil are also producing well now too!

Another item we will start to have available is celery! We will bunch the stalks instead of harvesting the entire head since doing it that way will lengthen the amount of time we are able to offer it. 


In other news, the weather has been great! 


Pat had a close encounter with a baby mantis!! Check out the photo he took below!! He said it was quite small and just chilling out on a romaine head. How cool is that!?


We hope you have a great week and make some wonderful meals with the veggies you'll be getting!!