Week 16~ THE LAST WEEK of the Regular Season! We made it! 16 weeks of delicious, seasonal, local produce! We will now take a short break to prepare for our fall season. We plan to start back up the last week of September and go for four more weeks. But before we do, this week we are sending yellow watermelons, home-made spaghetti sauce, green beans, grapes, summer squash, peppers, canned tomato chunks and so much more your way! Stock up on the canned products - they are wonderful! It's so nice to have them in the pantry to pull out for soups, sauces and casseroles.
We appreciate each one of you and your continued support and enthusiasm! Supporting a small farmer is no easy task. You are dedicated to eating with the seasons, you understand that everything doesn't always grow well, may have bug bites - or a worm, and you are loyal to working with the contents of the box that we send each week. Thank you! Your support means that we can continue to do what we love, what we know and our family can continue to sleep well at night.
Have a wonderful September and we will see you in a month!