Farm Happenings at Farmhouse Nashville
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Farm Happenings for June 25, 2024

Posted on June 22nd, 2024 by Stephanie Bradshaw

Week 7~


Please remember that we are switching our delivery days the week of July 1st.  We will deliver on Monday July 1st and Wednesday July 3rd.  If you would like to skip this week, please log into your harvie account and put your share on hold.  

This week we are seeing the first of the bell peppers starting to come in, some sweet corn along with purple cabbage, more tomatoes, cucumbers and lots of green beans.  If you are interested in a bushel of beans to can - please let us know!  Now is the time to do it! We will also have canning tomatoes available, so let us know if you would like to order a box or two!

Seeing all of this summer produce coming in just makes our hearts sing!  Eating local, with the seasons and without chemicals is one of the best things that you can do for your family.  Pat yourself on the back this week for choosing to support a small, local farmer and making the choice to go out of your way to bring delicious, nourishing food into your home! Way to go, you!  :) 

Have a fantastic week, friends!