Farm Happenings at Farmhouse Nashville
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Farm Happenings for July 23, 2024

Posted on July 20th, 2024 by Stephanie Bradshaw

Week 11~

Watermelons, cantaloupes, tomatoes, onions, yellow squash, potatoes, bell peppers and zucchini are coming in hot and heavy. Our fall squash are also starting to come in - so we have some acorn, delicata and spaghetti squash. The white grapes are also starting to ripen.  These can be added to your share when you customize it.  We also have some okra, carrots, eggplants, hot peppers and herbs.  We have been so blessed to receive rain, we know that many of the areas around us have been very dry.  We praise the Lord for His blessing on our farm.

Please be sure and sign up for our Fall CSA.  It runs for four weeks starting the last week of September.  You can sign up here: SIGN UP HERE