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Farm Happenings at Featherstone Farm
Jack on the Farm's First-Ever Stone Ground, All Purpose Flour!
Greetings CSA Members-
Included in your box this week- for those of you who use flour- is a brand new, first-of-its-kind “crop” from Featherstone Farm… stone ground, all purpose flour. This one is so unique in the farm’s 25+ year history of vegetable prod1 read more »
Abby on the Spring Seeding + Planting Ahead!
Dear CSA Members,
It’s already February and we’re packing our second to last winter CSA box. We’ve cleaned and boxed the final cabbages of the year and are washing the last of the winter squash. Today is forecast to be 40 degrees and Connor has1 read more »
Connor on the "Persephone Period" and the Upcoming Start of Spring Planting
Hello CSA Members!
I have been savoring the increase in daylight with each passing day this time of year (hopefully you as well, even though we are getting some of our coldest temps!). With each day we gain about 2-3minutes of daylight. The most important date for winter vegetabl1 read more »
James on Our Winter Warehouse Work
Dear CSA members, I hope that all of our beautiful winter vegetables are finding you well! The winter season brings a shift in the way we all think about farming here, and brings about a whole new set of challenges and pleasantries.
This morning I spent about 10 minutes thawing the do1 read more »
Liam on Winter at the Farm!
Last Tuesday was the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere—the shortest day of the year. Winter at our northern latitude is a time for a farmer’s body, and the land they work, to rest and prepare for the upcoming growing season. As the sun once again climbs highe1 read more »
Happy Holidays from Jack and the Featherstone Crew!
Greetings CSA Members-
Many of you will remember a time five short years ago, when early December found Featherstone Farm on the verge of liquidation and closure, after a catastrophically wet, disease plagued season. It’s a time all of us would certainly like to forget- the1 read more »
Nathan on Farm Crew Goodbyes + Winter Work Ahead
Hello CSA members!
It seems like a lifetime ago that I wrote to you all, way back in early October. Thank you to all for your continued support of locally grown food, and a warm welcome to anyone who is new to the membership for this Winter season! The farm has gone through1 read more »
Jack on the Start of the Winter CSA + a Happy Thanksgiving
Greetings CSA Members-
This has been the warmest, driest growing season I can ever remember here in SE Minnesota. And the last several weeks of fall have been no exception. There is almost no way to overstate how much easier this makes all of our lives here at Featherstone1 read more »
Welcome to our Winter Farm Share CSA Program!
Welcome to our Winter Farm Share CSA Program! We'd like to thank you for being a member of our farm this season! This is the email you'll receive, every other Tuesday, the week before your delivery pickup week, which lets you know what veggies are in your share a1 read more »