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Farm Happenings at Featherstone Farm
Week 6: Happy New Year!
We hope your holiday season has been full of celebration and good cheer! And as we enter into the new year, we'd like to wish you a happy and healthy 2019 ahead!
Here at the farm, we've all been able to take some time off the past few weeks while still getting the carrots washed and you1 read more »
Week 5: Happy Holiday Wishes!
All of us at Featherstone are sending warm wishes to you and yours this holiday season! We're grateful to be, in a small way, part of your celebrations, as we all share these winter veggies together. We also want to thank you for your support of our farm this winter; we count you as one of ou1 read more »
Week 4: Snowy Farm Fields!
It's snowy, grey and very much winter on the farm, and it sure feels like the holiday season, indeed! We had good timing, before this first real snow fall of the year, as late last week we got straw mulch on our strawberry patches for protection over the winter.
Mulch getting1 read more »