Farm Happenings at Featherstone Farm
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Wishing You Happy Eating for a Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted on November 12th, 2019 by Featherstone Farm


Greetings, I'm Nathan Manfull, Featherstone's Operations Manager and I'm writing with some news from the farm!

A few days ago we picked the last spinach out of the fields which finished up our 2019 harvest season (outside of our greens growing in our high tunnels that is!).  This rich, tasty treat may very well be in your box this week and you're guaranteed to enjoy it, I promise!   

It has been quite the year for Featherstone Farm. From building new high tunnels to adopting our “choice” CSA model via our new member platform, Harvie, we've all been very busy. But just as these changes are happening, we've also been so fortunate to have lots (almost all) of our farm staff stay the same.  As the season winds down and our skeleton crew settles into the routine of warehouse work, next year's preparation, and of course a few vacations here and there, the rest of our workers head back to Guanajuato Mexico to reunite with their families and loved ones after five months of being away! I can only imagine the elation they must feel as their plane's tires hit the tarmac in Leon Mexico, with familiar faces waiting for them in the terminal. 

It is a bitter sweet feeling saying goodbye, one not without a few tears shed, but knowing that they are going home is a great feeling. The rest of us are settling in to another Minnesota Winter of washing, packing and distributing our winter veggies for the season.  We even get to look forward to a few days in the sun harvesting fresh greens for your boxes in January and February from our high tunnels!

We really look forward to feeding you and yours over the months ahead and at your Thanksgiving's feasts.  May your holiday be filled with love, laughter and some darn good Featherstone veggies!

As always thank you so much for your support. We couldn’t do it without you!





P.S. Below is a glimpse of how we pack out your share in our warehouse for each delivery.  Once we wash and weigh your veggie choices for the week, we line up huge bins of our items and then individually pack each of our member boxes as we push them down a conveyor belt line.  We each try hard to get everything just right, but if a mistake does happen, please do let us know so we can offer you compensation along the way!