The gardens are loving the gorgeous rain that we got yesterday, with so much freshly planted the rains really help the transplants establish! We'll be harvesting the last of the greenhouse for you this week, some lettuces, scallions, bok choy, hakuri and kohlrabi to make way for our cucumber planting. In the fields, the first bed of spinach has sized up! That heat wave sadly bolted our cilantro, but it is always fickle. We have a full range of storage veggies to to round out your bags, thank you so much for joining us for this spring run of veggies :)
Have you gotten the invite to join our us again starting June 22nd on a weekly basis? We're shifting over to a new platform hosted on our own site. You can get all the registration details on our signup page: If you're curious to read more about how it's as close to what you're used to as possible, I wrote up all the details here. You should have received a "mailchimp" email from me all about it over the past week... if not please check your junk/promotions etc. and mark us as a trusted sender. We'll be using mailchimp for our main weekly news going forward. If we missed your address, you can sign up here!
Did you know that you can plant our potatoes? Simply leave them out a few days, and they'll start to grow eyes. Some of ours in storage are starting to sprout as the temperatures creep up, but to sprout them we prefer leave them in the cool shady garage. Then chop the potato so that there's one or two "eyes" or sprouting bits per piece. We usually aim for at least 4 cm or 1.5" in all directions, so nice big chunks. Again, we like to let them sit a few days to develop a bit of a scab, sealing up the cut edges so they're less prone to disease. Tuck them in the ground, and wait for them to grow! We like to hill them, or bury them a bit as they grow over the first month which helps encourage more tubers. You can peek on them anytime by hand, usually small potatoes would start to form in Sept, and full size by October. As with anything, they like some water, and access to their sunshine (getting lost in the weeds just doesn't grow potatoes!).