We hope everyone had a Happy Earth Day/Earth Month!
We're loving our spinach right now, it is gigantic and so delicious! This variety is called Space, must be because it is out of this world, haha. Corney jokes aside, this batch has really surprised us. We planted it in our greenhouse beds a little over a month ago and some of the leaves were bigger than our heads. We have a small amount available this week. The spinach planted outside is doing great and should be ready to harvest next month.
A few other farm updates- we're moving our 4 ducks into a duck run (fenced off area) up front near the main garden. The strawberries are in full bloom and we need to keep the ducks in an allocated area so they don't eat them all! We learned that the hard way last year. Sorry duckies, not this time... The area we will be putting the ducks will be transitioned into a blueberry planting area next year. The ducks will help us keep bugs down and also add some fertilizer to the area. We will then tarp this area with silage tarps to help kill the grass. Then next spring--- it's blueberry planting time!
Stay strong and plant on!
Your Farmers,
Kelly & Patrick