Going out of town and can't pick up your share? No problem! You can easily reschedule it or put it on hold for a later date. Log into your Harvie.farm profile. To change the current week click "reschedule" or to change future deliveries click "manage deliveries". For more detailed info on how to make changes to your deliveries click this link: https://harvie.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001542514-How-to-make-changes-to-your-share-reschedule-hold-location-and-date-changes-
Please make changes before hand so that your share doesn't go to waste! You can always send us a message ahead of time as well if you'd like us to donate your share to the food bank.
The tomatoes and peppers are LOVING this hot weather! The green house tomatoes are just starting to ripen and we will have small amounts available at our farm stand on Fridays.
Today we had Dave and Mitchell from Silagy Sauce come out to tour our peppers with Patrick. Silagy Sauce uses all fresh ingredients to make their delicious hot sauce. You can find their hot sauce at the Vancouver Farmers Market, local grocery stores or from their website. Many of our super hot peppers go into making hot sauces from local companies. We also make our own batches of hot sauce and chili salts with the peppers. Earlier in the week we also visited with David and his two little girls. David is the owner of HAB Sauce in Portland, OR. It was so cute, as they were leaving one of his little ones said that she wanted to be a farmer when she grows up! :D
Other details for this week's share: MoMo Flower Farm is now creating "Pints of Posies" a cute pint sized bouquet that you can take home to brighten up the room! These will be available as an extra this week. We are looking for extra Pint and Quart jars for the flower bouquets! Please return jars if you're not able to use them and we'll also take any extras you might have sitting around and put them to good use!!!
Stay cool and happy Summer!
Your farmers,
Kelly & Patrick