This last December we welcomed 80 new chicks to our farm! They are now starting to provide us with lots of eggs. Lyndsay also brought about 25 chickens to the farm over the winter. Currently we have them pastured with their chicken mansion in the new orchard area. They've been eating lots of good veggie scraps and keeping our orchard free of bugs. We have a pretty wide variety of breeds. One of our favorites is the Naked Neck Chicken. Which look like a turkey & chicken cross. They are very consistent layers and lay light brown eggs. We also have a mix of leghorns (white and brown), Wyandotte, Bard Rock, Cochins, Americauna (they lay blue eggs!), Jersey Giant, Plymouth Rock, Orpington, and more that we have yet to identified. The White Leghorns are by far the friendliest and most curious of the bunch. The Brown Leghorns remind us of "Jungle" Chickens, they're small and fast and more flighty.
We will have eggs available for sale as Extras throughout the season. We feed our chickens a GMO-free mix made fresh by a local mill. The feed is corn and soy free. They also get plenty of grass and bugs to graze on as well as lots of veggie scraps.
This week our first lettuce heads are available! We will have a green crisp leaf and a red butter variety on the list.
After an unusually warm May, we're really happy to be receiving some much needed rain so we don't have to irrigate as often. This week we will be planting out our peppers in the field as well as corn, winter squash, and dry beans.
We also wanted to extend a huge thank you to everyone for your flexibility and support as we navigate and shift the starting dates around. We have sorted out some extra produce from our friends at Volehalla farm and Coyote Ridge and will be starting most of the veggie shares mid June. We also shifted the personal sized shares to start this last week and we're now at the Downtown Vancouver Farmers Market every Saturday until the end of the season. Please drop by and say hello if you're in the area.
Your farmers,
Lyndsay, Kelly & Patrick