Welcome back to week 15 of the 2022 Flat Tack Farm CSA program!
What's Happening?!
We've got honey! Our collaboration with The Vancouver Bee Project has brought forth some of the most delicious gold and we're very excited to be able to offer some to you in an effort to help raise funding for our new pollinator habitat we're building. The flavor is extra fruity and delicious (most likely due to the blackberry, apple, pear, and other blossoms that we're in bloom in the past few months). Half of the funding from sales will go to purchasing seeds and plants for the new habitat and the other half back to the Vancouver Bee Project for their future endeavors. You can also make a donation to help support their work by contacting Kyle by email: vancouverbeeproject@gmail.com
We have been partnering with The Vancouver Bee Project since 2021 at our farm and prior to that Lyndsay partnered with them at her old farm. The Vancouver Bee Project is a non-profit that helps advocate for pollinators and native habitat by engaging the community, and providing education about pollinators. Vancouver Bee Project's mission is creating a community effort to educate on the importance of pollinators by engaging folks of all ages as we strive to make Vancouver a certified Bee City USA. This certification is achieved through enhancing and creating habitat while advocating for the reduction and elimination of pesticide use. We envision a bee healthy Vancouver that conserves pollinator habitats, foraging sources, nesting sites, and embraces pollinators as an integral part of our environment. They promote vetted organic, natural land management and beekeeping practices.
Currently we host 6 Bee Project hives here at the farm that you can see on the right of the driveway. These bees help us pollinate and increase our farm diversity and health. Right below the hives is a big black tarp that will be the future site of our pollinator habitat. For the next 3 years we will be working on planting that out with wildflowers and native species to help attract more beneficial insects and provide them with forage they need throughout the entire year.
Other happenings on the farm include lots of harvesting and weeding. We just finished harvesting the last of the garlic last week. We're starting to get more peppers and tomatoes coming in!!! As well as eggplant, basil, green beans, onions, and POTATOES!!! We will be hosting another volunteer potato dig day after Lyndsay returns from vacation- keep an eye out for details next week.
Thank you for supporting locally grown and we hope you enjoy the summer harvest.
Your Farmers,
Kelly, Patrick, & Spencer