Extra extra - sign ups for 2020 CSA shares are now open! You can sign up for next year's share here. Sign up before January 31st to receive an early bird discount of 5%. Also if you pay in full before January 31st you'll get a $20 credit to spend during the season on extra produce (this credit will be applied after you sign up.) We have some exciting new add ons this year like Flower Share bouquets from Two Boots Farm, and we're working on putting together a bread share. Of course there's still fruit and eggs from Kitchen Girl Farm, and we're working with some new fruit farmers to make sure they'll be more variety in fruit shares this summer. We hope you'll join us for a new year of delicious, nutritious local food! Feel free to email us if you have any issues signing up or questions about shares.
We have a few fun new additions to shares this week - dry beans and brussel sprouts! The dry beans have been a work in progress for the past two years, and we're so excited to be sharing them with you! We'll include preparation directions with each package, but we hope you'll enjoy perhaps your first taste of local organic beans! Many beans on supermarket shelves are multiple years old if you can believe it! And the brussel sprouts were an experiment for us this year too. We think they turned out deliciously, though perhaps not as bountifully as we had hoped. We hope you enjoy these tasty treats!