Farm Happenings at Harmony Farm
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Farm Happenings for May 25, 2023

Posted on May 20th, 2023 by Greg Stainton

 Hello Harmony Farm Members!

Thank you all for a great first spring farm share week! We really value and appreciate all of your support and feedback!

As you know this is our first delivery of our first season with Harvie Farms as our farm share administrator.  So far we have been really happy with their set up and service and we still have an awful lot to learn about the inner workings of Harvie Farms! We have tried to set up a farm share for ourselves so that we can see and experience what members do when you are customizing your farm shares but we have not been able to so we are reliant on your feedback.  Here are a few tips we have learned this week that we wanted to share:

1.  If you refer a friend (and please do...we still have lots of room in our full season farm share and both you and your friend will save $25 when you use this option!) please let them know to indicate they are ordering only one share when prompted about how many shares you want to purchase.  This prompt is there as some people like to have more than one share delivered per week; you are prompted later to indicate if there are any weeks you will skip during the season.

2.  Some members found the mobile version of Harvie difficult to use for the customization period and told us that the desktop version made the shopping experience much easier.

3.  Some members have let us know they were unable to see prices when they were carrying out their swaps/customization.  We are following up with our Harvie Farms administrator about this.

We also had some questions about delivery.  One big question is about packaging.  This is something we really struggle with.  The whole reason we started this farm is our desire to do something good for our family and for the planet.  Plastic packaging is definitely not a part of our utopian vision BUT we also want to deliver fresh and clean products.  For now, we will be trying to limit single use plastic by reusing the large plastic "bin liner" bag that your products are delivered in.  Please leave this bag in your cooler when you place it out for your next delivery and we will continue to use this bag for your deliveries.  We will also continue to look for ways to reduce and reuse and appreciate any tips you have on this.  

Thanks again for all of your support and feedback!  If you have a chance on a Saturday, please drop by the Brockville Farmers Market.  We would love to meet you all.  

We are looking forward to a great season together! 

Greg and Kate.