Farm Happenings at Harmony Farm
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Farm Happenings at Harmony Farm

Farm Happening Sept 5-7

Posted on August 30th, 2024
Hello members!  This is your friendly weekly reminder that the farm stand is open for orders until Monday at noon.  On our garden walk through today we noticed that we have taken some pretty serious damage from the unusually wet season.  Many of the brassicas that grew so fast in the1 read more »

Farm Happening Aug 30, 2024

Posted on August 23rd, 2024
Hello Members! This is your friendly weekly reminder that your basket is available for customization from now until Monday at noon.   You will notice a few changes in the store this week.  The endless rain has had quite an impact on our produce.  Some things are suffering and so1 read more »

Aug 22-24, 2024 Farm Happening

Posted on August 16th, 2024
Hello Members! This is your friendly weekly reminder that the Farm Stand is open now until Monday at noon.  This week, we have some delicious and hard to find new products for you, ground cherries and chervil.  I just love the delicate flavour or chervil in salad and omelette and look for1 read more »

BB Farm Happenings for August 9, 2024

Posted on August 4th, 2024
Hello Butcher Box Members!  We are a bit late in opening the butcher boxes for customization this month as we had new deliveries of pork and chicken that we wanted to include for you but were only able to complete the inventories this morning.  We will leave your baskets open for customiz1 read more »

Farm Happening Aug 8-10, 2024

Posted on August 2nd, 2024
Hello Members! This is your friendly weekly reminder that the farm stand is open from now until Monday at noon.  You may notice as you peruse the store that there are a few new offerings from Simply Leavened starting this week including a 100% organic sourdough bread which we have been eagerly1 read more »